A little about me
Even though this is an older photo the lovely lady you see on your right in the phote,hanging on to my left is my wife Becky. She is an RN at our local hospital working med-surg. Becky is the greatest blessing,other than salvation,that God has ever given me. She plays the piano, key board, clarinet, and only God knows what else. She gives me great support, comfort, and encouragement. I cherish her counsel in the decisions i make. I do look a lot like the guy in the photo but i have hair that stands up now and a goatie beard both a little grayer. We have seven children. Thats right seven children. First there is Jack who is 32 this year, has attended Northern Oklahoma College and loves history. Next is Sarah. She is 29, pretty, sings as good or better than most secular artist out there. After Sarah comes Cassie who just turn 28. She is pretty,inteligent,and has a great since of humor. That almost does it with the girls. Jon comes next. He is 24 and will be a great man of God. I am very proud that he served as an American soldier in the United States Army and fought at the Battle of COP Keating in 2009. He is much better looking than me. Must of got that from his mother. We are almost finished. Christopher was born with an enlarged heart that filled his chest cavity. The church prayed for him as a baby and the Lord gave him a miracle healing. This little sick baby has grown up to be a 23 year old monster that stands about 6 foot 4 and 270. He is very inteligent, plays the clarinet, guitar, drums or any instrument he is given a week or two to play with. Next is Katelyn our 8 year old. I enjoy when its time with just me and her. I always want her to know that she is my girl. She is taller than me. Its funny to watch her playing with the other children carring them around and such. She has this guy wrapped aroung her finger. Im trying to convice her though that she is not the boss, mom and i are. Finally there is the true ruler of the house, Jason. Lots of blond hair and soft blue eyes and a great personality. Sorry girls, he is only 7 right now. You will have to wait. I am 55 this year. I am the christian that the devil told you about. I believe in living out our witness in our lives and take every oportunity the Lord give me to do just that. I have earned my Associate of Theology and Bachlors of Arts in Pastoral Ministry and presently am working on a Masters in Christian Counseling from Trinity School of the Bible and Seminary. The Lord opened this door of education to me and i have been so blessed. As i told you we pastor New Hope Christian Fellowship which is a Charismatic Baptist Church located at 401 S. Lincoln in Ponca City, Oklahoma. You can visit the church web site at www.nhcfpc.com to learn more about us. While your there click on the radio link and take a listen. Before i was saved my life was emotionally a mess. I was deeply depressed almost evey single day. You can read a brief story of my testimony on my testimony page. Any way, i gave the Lord my old messed up useless life that i didn't even know how to manage and told Him i would serve Him all the days of my life if He would save me and change me. He did! Now i am happy in my spirit all the time even during times of trouble and stress. Because i know my Lord is with me. I love to pray for people and offer my ear and biblical advice if wanted. My first call is to New Hope Christian Fellowship but i will go and minister where ever the Lord opens a door and the needs are met for me to come. I would love to come minister for you if you feel lead of God to have me. I can be reached by e-mail at pulpitpounderjack@hotmail.com or you can write me at New Hope Christian Fellowship. P.O.Box 1305 Ponca City Ok. 74602. Please pray for me that God would use me for His glory and His kingdom. If i can help you or you would like me to pray for you please contact me. May God bless you. Have a good day with God. Pastor Jack.