
New Hope Christian Fellowship
New Hope Christian Fellowship's Statement of Faith
We believe that Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life and died a substitutionary death on the cross. We believe that He rose from the dead and is seated in Heaven and will return in glory and power. Jesus Christ was and is and will always be the second person of the God head and is deity.
We believe that all the gifts of the Spirit found in 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, and Romans 12 are valid for today. Each believer is given gifts and callings from the Lord to glorify God and build up the body of Christ. We encourage believers to seek the gifts and callings that the Lord has placed in his life.
We believe that salvation is a gift from God and cannot be earned or maintained by any merit on our part.
We believe in the eternal security of the believer. Once truly received, salvation cannot be lost. Salvation comes from grace only through faith only in the atoning work of Jesus at Calvary.
We believe that at salvation man's sins are not only forgiven but his spirit is made alive to God by the Holy Spirit indwelling it. Man's old nature is destroyed and he is given a new nature that desires to walk in fellowship with God. Man's flesh, his unrenewed mind and body, is still with him and must be brought under control of the Holy Spirit. This is man's responsibility and his reasonable service to God.
We believe that man is made for good works. These works are to follow his salvation and glorify God. Man does not do good works to get saved or to maintain his salvation; rather, man does good works because he is saved.
New Hope Christian Fellowship's Vision for the Believers.
Because we desire to see people grow in their relationship to God and each other, we hold four visions concerning each believer at New Hope Christian Fellowship.
1. Each Believer will have a daily living relationship with God. It is our desire that believers here will develop an intimate fellowship with the Lord everyday; that every believer come to a Father-child walk with God, and every believer learns to pray and rely upon the Lord as the center of their life.
2. Each Believer will know and walk in their spiritual gifts and callings. We believe at salvation every believer is given spiritual gifts to use for God's glory and the body of Christ's good. We believe according to Ephesians 4:11-16, the saints are given spiritual gifts and callings to help in their work of ministry. We believe each believer can and should seek and come to know their individual gifts and callings and learn to walk in them.
3. Each Believer have a growing understanding of the Bible. The Bible is God's revelation of Himself and His final authority in matters of faith and conduct for all Christians. We desire that every believer develop a foundational understanding of the bible and build on it continually as they mature in their walk with the Lord.
4. Each Believer learn and practice faithfulness in the areas of their responsibility concerning the local church and their personal lives. We are responsible to God, our family, our church, ourselves and society for certain things. Many are in positions of authority in some areas of life; in the church, home, or job. What good are positions and responsibilities if a person does not learn and practice faithfulness. It is our vision for each believer of New Hope Christian Fellowship to understand and become faithful in the responsibilities they hold and face in life. We believe that faithfulness is a sign of maturity in the Christian life and a great strength of character.
How to get in contact
You can write us at New Hope Christian Fellowship P.O.Box 1305 Ponca City, Ok. 74602 We would love to have you join us when in town at 401 South Lincoln in Ponca City, Oklahoma.
E-mail me personally at